Anders Pucks nyeste video er lidt bekymrende...
Hvad giver bedst mening – 500 kr fast på månedsopsparingen, eller spare op til 10.000 kr og fylde aktiesparekontoen op?
Nogen der ved om der er storskærmsvisning til landskampen i dag?
People who moved out of the parent’s house before 30, how?
Without saying the name, what is a TV show that is instantly recognizable based on one quote?
What movie had a sex scene actually important to the plot?
Based on this image whats my name?
What video game soundtrack will you never forget?
What are some cool/interesting but also antique names for males that have taken out of circulation in the last few centuries?
GME Overnight Pajama Party Megathread
Daily Discussion Thread Part 4 for January 28, 2021
The world is actually pretty great, and most people are good
What 2000s song will always be a banger?
Hele Nordisk historie i en meme
Nordic History in one meme
You are offered $10,000,000 if you can name an inanimate object that nobody in human history has ever used in a sexual way. What is your answer?
What is your nickname and how did you get it?
Dog dies protecting family during birthday party shooting
I accidentally purchased two digital copies of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Since I can't be two people at once, I'll give away my spare code in 24 hours to a random user.
Who would you consider a living legend and why?
What was your hardest day at work?
What is your favorite vine?
I mean, he eventually gets there
Its never too late for a career change
The vet clinic goldens were so happy to see how much love their last post received and wanted to show you what they do in their free time!