Do you guys use this card in Branded? Is it any good now that blue eyes is popular?
The Ritual Beast falloff needs to be studied
A good snapshot or what?
Not bad. Don’t like the dark magician pull but I’m happy for these other two.
Lightning storm alt art
Stay hydrated.
Should Droll be banned on Master Duel?
How viable is this card now in current format?
Is Dragoon worth it in White Forest/Cent?
This will be tough
With all the crazy Master Duel bans/unbans, do you think it's possible for this little rascal to come back?(Even limited is okay for me). Because I wish I could use my Sprights/PaleoFrog decks at full power.
In Branded: LaDD, Dragoon, or neither?
How good are these hand traps in this current meta?
Can this card come back to one ?
Yo i think he can get off too
What was bro staring at? (Correct answers only)
For anyone that kept saying...
What is your favorite Number monster? I’ll start with mine
Discussion around these four seasons in particular has kind of been poisoned, to the point that no one can truly make an actual conversation about their quality without extremely Vague Claims being thrown around, why is that the case?
Hearing this song on Easy mode vs hearing this song on hard mode
Which of these cards has a chance of coming off the banlist? Which ones do not?
What's your thoughts on Yusuke Onodera (A.R. Kuuga)?
I have seen everything today💀
Do we like the black suit here?
What is your favorite character portrait?