Do you guys use this card in Branded? Is it any good now that blue eyes is popular?
New to branded, what's the best target to send to grave with this guy?
I'm tired of fighting this guy fairly.
Erase an anime from your memory to watch it again, which one would you pick? Personally it’s AOT
My friend group of 12 made their top 5 games of all time. Who do you think has the best list? 👀
Why Sanctifire is NOT the problem
What is your biggest unpopular gaming opinion?
Look Emma oiled up ahh Gyobu
Thoughs of Whittelton Creek? For me is my favorite map after Berlin
I know its only the ICA final challenge, but im super proud of myself!
Best final boss in all from software imo( this is related to main story only no dlc) i mean Ds3 us just peak 1000/💯
Is this considered a tackle???
A deck that people hate but is mad fun to you?
Where can you play mate? Yes
how the tables have turned
Rate this out of ten please
Dumbest argument ever
What’s a deck you’ve considered building but is WAY too expensive for something that’s not meta currently?
Which game studio do you support so much that you’d buy anything they release, no questions asked?
Do you use subtitles when playing? Why or why not?
Has anyone ever seen a higher goalkeeper match rating?
Favorite armor piece/set
Hi, i ended the game, what i need for the true ending? Is it necesary to do another save?
What is your favourite game where you can use shovel as wepon?
To everybody who voted this garbage ass gamemode and got it put into ranked