Shipped from Virginia to TN. What could be going on?
What do you think of this design
[WTS] P320 M17 Slide, P320 Mags, Romeo 1 Pro
Is this better?
Cole wearing an “I’m Retired” hoodie last night 😂
Is this normal?
What sidearms are we rocking?
Just picked up a Glock 19x.
A con escaped prison today
[WTS] MK18 Block 2, MA Tech Rear, KAC Fronts and Rear, Trijicon RM05, Geissele Safeties, RMA 1155, UF Pro, Arktis, Onward Research, Outdoor Research, Badger, OKAY E2s
[WTS] P320 Ragnarok, Haley Strategic Dangler, clear pouches
Molle to placard adapter
Body armor legit?
Sending completed print cards to silencershop
[WTS] Absolute stinker
[WTS] MP5 Folding Stock, Magpul SL Handguard, AXL JPC Adapter, zenith grip, Hotpocket MC
Spectre 9 Is Good
It's 2 fer Tuesday right?
[WTS] RMR RM05 Dual Illuminated Green Dot, ADM RMR QD Mount
[WTS] Okay Surefeed 20rd & 30rd, Glock Mags (17/19X, 19, 43x/48), & Sig P365 17rd Mags
[WTS] Haley Dangler , Colt Buffer w/ G$ Safety
Peter what happened?
OCL Back At It Again!