Is PSA turning into something reputable in front of our very eyes?
My coworkers are telling me my AIO configuration is bad and will shorten its lifespan. Are they right?
Just picked up a Glock 19x.
Help wanted, Rocksett is legit
[WTB] Day 2 of asking you to sell me your TLR-1 or maybe HL. PLEASE HELP ME (ಥ﹏ಥ)
OCL Back At It Again!
[WTS] HS510C & HM3X Combo
[WTS] Streamlight TLR-7A
Things to do??
[WTB] Broken M951/M952/M961/M962
You can release one update for GTA Online – what’s in it?
This is what I have to do to start my pc
I think I can pull this off as an EDC
[WTS] 11.5” 5.56 PSA Upper
[WTS] 16” 5.56 PSA Upper Receiver
(WTS) KAC Sandcutter, HK USC barrel, HK USC factor lower and stock, HK Parts UMP lower, RS Regulate AKML, Haga Defense buttpad, Magpul MVG, US Palm Grips, Magpul MOE AK grip
Advice on tuning
[WTS] 11.5” 5.56 PSA Upper Receiver
5.56 K can
Should I sell it for a pc?
It's gonna be a rumble in the jungle
Thank you, Rockstar☆
[WTS] I received a call from my father, John EOtech, earlier today. He said he had a favor to ask me (broken EOtechs for 50% off trade in)
Since the early PS3 days a dude came and gave me 300M and since then i have such weird stats.
Do these F-18s look different to you? Mojave Desert, Ca.