Walking between Heuston to Connolly?
What cars have aged horribly over the last 15 years
Bianchi Sprint Fit
Best Nightclubs around Ireland
Looking for Kerry Nightclubs
[globo] Neymar's physical shape is being blasted online.
Winters are rough in this country.
Marco Pantani
Geraint Thomas: 'It's as if it's junior or U23 racing. There's less respect'
Players not deaf to the infamous Lansdowne hush
False prophets are peddling conspiracy theories about Ireland’s history. Here’s the truth | Emma Dabiri
Since the Palestino jersey chat has been locked here is a link to buy the jersey inspired by theCeltic jersey
My experience in a Dublin bar...
How little can one train and still be competitive?
Cyclist of r/Dublin - where do you shop?
Should the Aviva copy the French
The Bleeding Horse and other great pub names
Matt Williams
What's something that's glamorized that you think shouldn't be?
Opinions for first car?
What are everyone's most favourite and hated monuments/building/spaces in the city?
Turkish football commentator caught having a smoke on live tv
Why are Diesel Cars Being Banned or Taxed Heavily Despite Their Superior Efficiency, Mileage, and Longevity?
What was/is the cheapest new car that appeciated after leaving the lot