Mel Changes in 15.S1.4
P.S. Recent Changes will make people more OTP oriented and less spender...
Mel Q is not dodgeable (math)
Riot on making skins lately...
What is the most Sleeper OP Ability Noone Talks about?
P.S. In lobby chat is broken for months now...
Mejai's Soulstealer: Not as Risky Anymore...
Why is League going through consistent downgrading? *in design*
New TP is ugly as hell
Best champions for lane bullies?
Best Viktorrrr E Ever...
The most influential Viktor E ever
Defend your main in court!
Favourite Gragas Skin?
Nemesis Opinion On Reptile Video Of Current Status Of ADC Role
How to play this freely?
I am having a blast with this champion :)
Ambessa Abilities | Ability Reveal & Gameplay
No.12 is Kuzan. Now, vote for the No.13 strongest of all time.
Suggestions as to a great One Piece name?
You are too far gone - Silent Hill 2
What is the best arc in one piece?
Am I the only one whose favorite character is someone outside the crew - other than Shanks?
How strong is Luffy compared to the Original Admirals now?
How to make Fizz playable again?