‘কর্মসংস্থান ছাড়া পরবর্তী প্রজন্ম টিকতে পারবে না’, বাণিজ্যমঞ্চে বিনিয়োগের হিসাবও দিলেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী
If any of you are interested, Wim Wenders will be in Kolkata, and there will be screenings of several of his films.
'হেলে পড়া বাড়ি মানেই বিপজ্জনক নয়..', বললেন ফিরহাদ হাকিম
Medical stocks
সরকারি চাকরি না পেলে, চায়ের দোকান দিন, ভাল রোজগার, বেকার যুবকদের টিপস মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর
what are y'alls top 3 movies of all time?
The Kolb Brothers attempting to get the perfect shot of the Grand Canyon in Arizona,1908.
Kolkata is the 3rd richest city in India, with a $150 Billion economy.
Bibliophiles of kolkata , what books are you reading now?
I came up with a joke.
Curious to know your favourite nepos, you can't really hate them all. Their privilege does help but some of them are undoubtedly pretty good. These two nepos are definitely amongst my favourite bollywood actors.
Which actor is Akshay talking about? I wonder if they regret missing out on being a part of this cult classic.
18.96 lakh foreign Bangladeshis residing in Bengal state - Census 2011 data. Also 21.19 lakh foreign Bangladeshi tourists came into India legally during 2023- Data by Union Minister of Tourism & Bureau of Immigration, Govt of India in Lok Sabha during December 2024 winter session
Trinamool Congress councillor Ananya Bandyopadhyay's হাতি বাড়ি।
These TMC followers are really getting on my nerves
PCM people question for u
What are your thoughts about IEM?
Rangalur mishti aar sheddo pithe
A Metz 22-Speedster and its driver pictured just inches from a 2,000-ft drop. (1914)
Posted a few movies from 2005-2010 that were like a breath of fresh air in Bollywood. It's only fair that I do the same for the 2010s as well. There were some good small scale movies with character actors, many of these films embraced a more somber tone, marking a departure from the 2010s.
What are your favorite lead actor & actress wins this century?
bengali stereotypes !
What are some of your most rewatchable Bollywood movies?
Mid to late 2000s were a really great time for Bollywood. Simple movies, great stories, powerful performances, some of them have stayed with me and will do for a long time. Maybe, I was young and impressionable but some of my favourite Bollywood movies came from this era.