Best 1v1 custom games?
Best version of survival chaos to play with friends?
has something happened with the wc3 installer in the past week or so?
Are there any active clans channels?
Just when I thought Blizzard can't screw up Warcraft 3 more than they already have...
Warcraft III Online
Warcraft classic icons
Any cheesy NE strat apart from DH+hipporiders?
WC3 Custom Games
Kenshin's Classic+ Released - HD Model Pack for Warcraft3
did anyone else not have any idea what this icon was illustrating until reforged? Always loved it, but just thought it was a bunch of red shapes until i googled it and looked upclose lol
[Mod Reach Out] Roadmap / Wishlist?
"You're in a horror movie" meme - WarCraft II version
Questions about warcraft 3
Unable to retrieve data
18 Years of Warcraft III Custom Games: 10,000 Maps Later
Does anyone remember this minigame?
Lord Of The Clans + Quenching 2.3
Seeking Official & Custom Campaigns in Timeline Order
Has anyone played this map?
Confusion in regards to custom campaigns
I wanna make ai vs ai 1v1 or 2v2 fights
Castle Fight-like Games
I need help looking for a specific map
Installing WC3 with old classic keys