Mabosstiff is Underrated AF in STABmons
Why is Heatran so good in Gen 8 OU?
Buffing Hydreigon
Buffing Eeveelutions to get them up to date.
A Meganium Theorymon to end all Theorymons
What is the best and worst generation for each tier (OU, UU, RU, NU, PU, ZU), and why?
What Elo in Gen 9 RandBats is good enough to put on a resume?
What makes Clefable good and usable in every Gen?
Paulie murdering the granny and stealing her mattress money was the lowest act committed in the show.
What are some mons that are hard carried by tera
you want Fairy because it will be stronger, not because it makes the most sense
What would change if recharge moves worked like in gen 1?
What tier would it be in?
A mixed fairy/bug mon with stakeout and poor coverage. Do we think this'd be broken, underwhelming, or fine? (Art by stARTboii)
What lore-accurate changes do you think would make Pangoro and Trevenant OU-worthy? I'm having a difficult time predicting how good Leaf Predictor would be as an ability and if it's enough to buff Pangoro. (Revival blessing + Harvest is a joke)
Alternate Lampent Evolution
Theorymon Thursday: A Star-Crossed Duo to Redefine SV OU
Sprucing up the original Hitmon Duo with some signature moves.
Harpy Griffin Fakémon | Artwork by [Involuntary-Twitch]
What if Milotic was in RBY?
Some idead for my team? i feel it's REALLY improveable (Gen9 RU 1050 elo)
How to minimize risk and maximize safety when making plays on showdown?
At what point does Stakeout become busted?
RBY MEWTWO IS NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK!!! also rby ubers is really fun you should try playing it
What pokemon deserve to be ranked in ou? (In Any Generation)