I got trolled by my Co worker or broken in.
My first exhaust fan motor change out.
Top 5 Highest-Paying Trade Jobs
Finally got my conceal carry permit
Heavy on the side eye
What's the real purpose of this subreddit to YOU?
Without naming your state, what is your state know for?
What milestone age are you reaching in 2025?
Almost there
I did It?
About board 1st flight
First time flying tomorrow I'M Nervous
Well crap.
Would you take $100million to never have sex again for the rest of your life? If not, what amount of $$ is the threshold?
Low to middle-income Bogleheads, stand up!
Permitless Concealed Carry - July 4th
This is ridiculous
Gassy after quitting addictions and changing diet.
What do you think about guys that use escort services?
US citizens of Reddit, what are the Sundown Towns of your state, so for those that want to visit can avoid them?
Trans men reveal how toxic society is towards men--MANY sources included
Men need to start having more pride in themselves
Does Female Privilege Exist?
"apps" extension virus
"the usual"