What’s the most unexpected compliment you’ve ever received?
Does life get better as you get older?
When was the last time you cried, and why?
WIBTAH If I did not attend my sisters baby shower after having a miscarriage this summer?
Student teaching stories
WIBTAH If I did not attend my sisters baby shower after having a miscarriage over the summer?
WIBTAH if I do not attend my sisters baby shower next month after having a miscarriage over the summer?
Book about Morgan le Fay and Guinevere and Merlin?
uncomfortable in Student Teaching Placement
Feeling uncomfortable with cooperating teacher
Cooperating Teacher Issues
looking for advice
Hate my placement
YA biography series written as journals
Children's book where a girl's parents die and she is taken to this huge house(or asylum I'm not sure) by 2 creepy ladies and from there she cleans the house a lot and eventually meets 2 boys who are also trapped in there
Two teenage girls who are ballerinas and one gets cancer and dies (I think leukemia) causing the other one to quit ballet.
I’ve wanted floor-to-ceiling bookshelves since I was 8and I finally got my wish! I wanted to have neat bookends and inserts between topics and series, but I have no shelf-control. I’ll have to do the other walls too
[serious] What’s something small/seemingly trivial that makes you really happy?
What do you consider modern American slang?
What's a really famous TV show everyone finds amazing that you find boring?
Can a person write if they’re unable to read?
Children's Book of Caricatured Presidents
Creepy House "Wimmelbilder"-Style Picture Book
Smelly, disintegrating floating thing found in lake. My bf picked it up and it fell apart and released a nasty smell, was white and fleshy on the inside.