Advice for you guys applying for CFI positions at Flight Schools
Quality of hours built
Favorite online ground school?
QuickBooks Is Gouging Small Businesses! So Let’s Build Something Better Together.
This plane had its nose gear fall out during flight
Is losing all engine power during IMC "game over"?
Anyone here own a family airplane (4-6 seats)? If so, what kind? What are the hourly operating costs, etc
Insurance kills my float training idea
Musings bordering on ranting
Instructing at ATP without having been to ATP for your ratings?
Studying for CFII...any tips?
To anyone that used the Sporty's course, did it prepare you enough for the FAA written or did you use other resources as well?
Mooney for a student pilot, bad idea?
dpe ATL area for cfi intial
Atlanta DPE Reviews
Play by Play Series - Torque Roll
I was referred to you guys over here.
Rotorcraft Training in Georgia
Beginning Aerobatic Flying
Experiences with SODA process? Flying with one hand