How much more muscle can i gain as a natty?
26 M some of my best shots over the last year
8 years of training (6 taking it seriously) got on trt a year ago due to test levels stuck at 220NG please be nice🥲 let me know what you think :)
Vilka aktier är värda att spara i Januari 2025?
Why is Tao sinking so hard right now?
Livermore baby
Regeringen vill stoppa illegal ip-tv
3:pm jan 23 Where's my damn ARURF !!?
Sparandet som tagit över eller allmänt mer nöjd med livet?
Hemförsäkring 30% höjning
Hur mycket har ni i åldern mellan 30-35 i sparande?
Will it ever be possible to sit like this?
I turned $600 into $45,000 with penny stocks in few months. Now the market is trying to take it back 👨🏼🚀
How bad is bucket handle tear
Feels like I’m getting it
Got 8 stabs on Dust II, it was a funny match xD
What's your favorite song off of and justice for all (that isn't one)
What do you think my body fat % is?
Curious about everyone’s averages
How did you tear your acl?
URF is currently active on the PBE
What do think guys is it Valid ???
Work all day