FNU when booking flights.
FNU when booking my flights.
Travel resuming: Fix our passport PLEASE 🙏🏽🇲🇾
FNU in my flight booking.
FNU on my airlines booking.
I made a error when booking a flight with Etihad.
I made a slight name error when booking my flights. A little anxious.
What is going through the mind of an ENFP when they are overwhelmed.
Slight name error when making a booking. I'm a bit anxious.
INFJ & ENFP Connection – What Draws Us to Each Other?
Anyone else too attractive
INFJ here! I need a little help as to why this ENFP hasn't reply to my messages recently.
Hello, INFJ here. I need a little help and/or perspective as to why an ENFP recently hasn't replied to my messages.
Thoughts on Norwegian Wood
We've recently cleared out 4 inactive members, looking for active players to join us. The code is swznsft4
[Searching] lvl 86 | th9 | mini zain #PLU2VLJQ8 | good competitive clan
[Searching] New TH11… Not rushed looking for competitive Clan for wars and clan games
[Searching] TH12 || lvl 107 || very active tho bit rushed || farming/competitive
[Searching] TH9, almost max heros, looking for an active clan for clan wars and CWL
[Recruiting] war | TH 6 |