If Silksong comes out in 2024, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
does who drive matters
Whoever gets the most upvote on this post in 2 hours gets 2 leo
did they make the beast hunter smaller or am i becoming insane
holy this game is full of bots
finally i unlocked the gunslinger
i finally unlocked the gunslinger in enter the gungeon
first time defeating a glitched chest
what is causing my railgun to be this big
trying to unlock the gunslinger and this is my loadout for the lich
finally got all master rounds
holy shit
how rare is this room
i have a question
What opinion will you defend no matter what other people say?
what are the best subreddits ?
what is the highest damaging weapon ?
are there any actual good dictators ?
what are the most asked question ?
if you had an opportunity to interview a historical figure who would it be ?
what are some stuff that are viewed simple now but were complicated then ?
what is a food that looks disgusting but tastes good and vice versa ?
what animals have fucked up biology ?
What song is currently stuck in your head?
what are some of the best surf servers for beginners ?