Forever Evil Omnibus First Look! (Updated Cover)
Haven’t Seen This Posted Anywhere Else As of Yet… Was Surprised to See My Most Wanted DC Omni Arrive Early!
First Look all December Omnis
What are some omnibuses that you think are overrated and why?
Scalped Omnibus Vol. 1 First Look!
Today’s Mail Call
Is the DC vs Marvel omnibus still coming out this month?
What Omnis have some of the most messed up moments?
Batman by Neal Adams Omnibus cancelled since DC is working on releasing it in the original condition!
First Look Superman Triangle Omnibus Vol. 1
Real damaged Omnibus
Is it worth it?
Sold out? Can’t find standard cover
Batman & Robin Adventures Omnibus Early Look
First Look at the Absolute Superman by Johns & Frank
JL Dark Rebirth Omnibus First Look
Batman Murderer/Fugitive Omnibus coming in 2024!
Need help about making a purchase (Ultimate Spider-man)
New guy
Spy vs. Spy Omnibus bigger than a normal Marvel / DC Omnibus (First Look)
International fans, let’s complain about expensive books/shipping and long wait times
Any legit places online to buy USM vol 2 DM?
Star Wars High Republic Phase I Omnibus First Look
I've had omnibuses show up a little dinged up before, but nothing ever this bad. This is friggin ridiculous.
Batman Hush Saga Omnibus First Look