MAGA Conservative coming in peace, wanting to find common ground.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is really two games in a trenchcoat
Got called a "mast enjoyer" in Hourglass
House’s walk
Quest Bug in "Get Junior / Search Whoreson Junior's residence"? (Possible Spoilers)
So happy to be back!
A real conversation between me and my mother
spine I found in my backyard, deer dog or coyote?
I found my boss's drug stash - easily enough to kill a whale. What are my options? Will I violate HIPAA if I report this?
A Trump supporter was arrested today for encouraging republican people to stay in the early voting line repeatedly and block the line in order to discourage democrat voters
glaze slipping off during firing?
The most infuriating part is they didn’t even build the bridge, it was built and maintained by the generations that came before them.
Just found a trial chamber
Question about trial chambers
Can you play ksp on the xbox one
Help for newish xbox player
Cant do this puzzle?
Russell Brand: “Both sides are bad”. “Neither of ‘em care about you”. “There ain’t a bit of difference”. “I don’t identify with either party”. Also Russell Brand:
I shot a Level 2 whitetail with the wrong caliber because i thought it would only be a Gold anyways but it would have been a diamond😑
Numbers when hooking fish?
First diamond !
Lmao sometimes I can’t stand this game.
She seems a little big for only being 4lbs