Mick Jagger and Keith Richards - Altamont (December 1969)
The one Rolling Stones album Mick Jagger always hated (Their Satanic Majesties Request)
At The El Mocambo Club March 1977
This song is such an absolute masterpiece
Who in my family has the best taste in music
Picked up some vinyl
Drop your most boomer/oldhead takes.
How do you feel about the tracklist of the mothership?
Autograph on vinyl
Which Stone do you admire the most?
Exile On Mainstreet as a single album
What’s a song where you forget how good it is?
The Rolling Stones Heaviest Song ???
Black and blue
Rock songs with a flute
Keith's lead playing is criminally underrated
‘No Spare Parts’: A Hidden Rolling Stones That Finally Saw the Light 33 Years Later (2011)
What year was the most significant for the Stones?
The origin of heavy metal
Greatest five album run ever, can’t be beat
What I've heard and ranked from 1972. What's missing?
Greatest 4-album run OAT?
Led Zeppelin Album Ranking - in depth