I'm 8w 4d and some days I have shortness of breath and light dizziness
Extreme vaginal dryness, it's painful
My husband and I haven’t had sex since getting pregnant. Are we alone?
My ultrasound looked like a grainy seahorse (7w)
Im already over the first trimester (7w)
Any safe solutions for pregnancy rhinitis?
Pregnancy congestion, why am i just learning this?!!
I'm almost 6w pregnant with a nasty cough, what, can i take?
I got my blood test at 5w 2d and my progesterone is at 8.21 ng/mL
Pregnant with severe constipation.
5 weeks pregnant today, my husband doesn't want to be hopeful after my past miscarriages
I'm 5 weeks pregnant today, my husband doesn't want to be hopeful after my past miscarriages
People have issues with other people waiting to tell they're pregnant until 12 wks, why?
Waiting to tell everyone is absolute torture!
After 2 miscarriages, this pregnancy feels different and I'm so happy and hopeful!
Facebook spammed me with "Pregnancy is coming your way" on January 1st, i found out i'm pregnant on January 2nd
I'm having severe abdominal pain and tenderness and scared of another miscarriage 3w6d
Positive at 3w0d
I got A positive at 3wk 0 days..
My baby would've been a year old this week
How often do you have sex vs how often does your partner want sex? Is there a disparity? If so how does it affect your relationship?
Its been almost 2yrs since my first miscarriage and its still hard
I had a 2nd miscarriage and now my husband won't touch me without a condom
Missed Miscarriage because of a progesterone deficiency
I'm having spotting and "period" bleeding and cramps