I wish I had a normal dog
I finally found my stance!!
I asked long ago, but time to ask again. Fellow disaster Millennials, how ya doing?
Why is this happening? Bad brewing technique or bad coffee?
Meta: can we ban posts asking us to tell if your dog is a Catahoula?
Craniocervical instability has changed me
How much do you play?
What in gods name was that noise?
Breakup and I'm alone again
Office Mail Surprise in Austin, TX
How does everyone handle toxic co workers?
Positive dating experiences this year
Do you toss your portafilters?
Looking for a 2br in South Austin under $1350
need a foh/serving/ barista job asap
Highland or South Austin for Budget Rentals?
Anyone else’s Houla opens doors?
best advice for post-shift pain; shoe recommendations, etc
Are there still "bros" in your generation?
Backflush with or without dispersion screen?
I feel embarassed for being mentally ill
This one time, a balloon floated across the sea and up onto my line. No one cared but me.
Convincing my wife to stick it out with LD Naltrexone
I'm Not a Failure, I'm Neurodivergent.
Coat hangers syndrome and Botox?