Latest loaf feat Dragonball sparking zero
26-28 y. 83-71-77 kg 2 years in the making
Two years in the making
My latest loaf
27 to 28 years old 12 months progress 72 to 78kg
Removal od Dimethylacetamide from water-soluble polymer
Ethernet cables in all rooms
Ethernet cables in my new home
Type 0 flour loaf
My last loaf
Lacy crumb
One year without buying bread
Poolish vs Sourdough
latest loaf. My starter is definitely improving.
My idea of Contemporary pizza
Any thoughts guys? under or overproofed?
My starter is alive: text in the comments
Happy starter that doesn't work
The one and only, the Regina Margherita. 65% water, 48h
The one and only, Regina Margherita. 48 h, 65% water.
Gym beginners