do you guys notice people who play certain characters tend to be more enthusiastic towards mercy mains?
Let's see those suggestions
How did you originally get into overwatch?
Server outage?
carti = isaacwhy
Theory: Last to leave VC 5 is a social experiment
Kinda controversial
The developers really thought they were slick with the changes 😭
ltlvc5 drop
Do it
Is Astra hard to play?
What Was The First Mercy Skin You Got?
Give me your most gut wrenching saddest songs, for a playlist.
fuck softwilly
Dan Schneider
current title you have?
Send me your Spotify accounts and I’ll tell you if we’d be friends or not!
Say a number from 0 to 100
Which body type is more attractive in women? (In general vs social media)
Season 15- Chinese themed skins
Describe your main in the worst way possible
Why is this such a common thing?
Book 2: Maxi's bad behavior.