What is Monday Night Raw's best opening song
Am I the only one who can’t get behind Blair Davenport?
Met pretty deadly at my hotel this Friday after Smackdown in Omaha,NE.
What's ur opinion on Joe hendry?
Name a wrestler that u think of when you see this title
Rate my custom 2K24 attire
What is the ugliest championship design in wrestling history?
idk how I found bde at Wresalmain but hope you had fun love your videos
Brandon you & Brent are on Tv!!
I’ve had it…
This is so funny to me
Who else is pissed?
30k likes on the next reddit video and Brandon listens to this for 3 hours
Who comes first thing up in your mind
I ain't no simp but Samantha Irvin 😳😳
Dead crowd for kabuki warriors( had to give a pity cheer)
Blue Ryai - 2 Days Into Prison
What is Brandon looking at (wrong answers only)
Describe Him in One word
Describe him in 1 word
What song got you like this
Imagine how Brandon must feel
Who is he?Wrong answers only