Interview Snippet with Ken Leaver
Taking out teeth takes years off of your life
The flattening of curve of spee due to invisalign
The reason why most Mewers don't get the results they want is the 'Curve of Spee'
Can we use mouth guard for increasing palate width
I fixed my TMJ and think what I learned can help many of you
Plato powers method
I think the skull actually inflates when you use the right biomechanics.
Dr. Young jun Lee, the dentist with probably the highest success rate on TMJ in the world, essentially just uses a rubber guard
What is Reviv?
They're seeking pain relief and relaxation. The question is why?
The contact between upper & lower teeth should curve up at the back... the 'Curve of Spee'
Does the skeleton and skull actually 'collapse'?
The 'Crushed Box" theory on why people have deviated septums and breathing issues
It's what doesn't come out of your lungs that kills you. And what determines that? Biomechanical collapse
People ask me if i'm dentist. I tell them there is no need to be one to solve a biomechanical problem.
Any tips for things I haven't tried for TMJ?
Could dental biomechanics solve posture problems?
Is ADHD biomechanical collapse in disguise?
mouthguards to fix for mewing regression?
Dear parents, wake the f*ck up!!!
I would go as far as saying that teeth grinding essentially IS aging.
How Four Tooth Extractions Can Change Your Life Forever – A Few Thoughts
Teeth are like the foundation in a building. You cannot just move them where you please.