Dexamethasone Mouthwash
What helps you? Worst breakout of my life
Experiences as an adult with RSV?
How are you all having sex again after becoming new parents?
How was your 1yr old’s MMR experience?
When did you stop going to bed at the same time as baby?
Help me see that Hib & Prevnar are safe for my 4m.o.
Professional Boundaries/Ethics Question
11mo acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
Beware: 2022 RSV will curb stomp the entire family
Pissed about sons quality of care.
Did anyone else have technical issues trying to take the NCE with OnVue?
10 month old hip thrusting into the ground on belly
Is it normal for my 10 month old to play independently so much?
Inanimate object name for a dog
How long does the sleep deprivation last?
Tamiflu for 10 month old?
Tamiflu for a 10 month old?
Oral LP as autoimmune flare?
AITA Step son stealing my clothes to masterbate with
Diagnosed at 22 weeks
I'll be ordained a priest in the Catholic Church next saturday. AMA.