Anyone else get waken up by all the sirens?
Guess the city
People that choose to pay off low interest debt instead of investing the money, do you regret it? Why?
My girlfriend says our TV is too high, I disagree. What do you think?
Nashville, 435K at 6.5%
Success is Given, Not Earned - Anthony Mackie
Who else is tired of being asked, "when are you visiting home."
Positive black news Drop it below
Why are 60% of Nigerian fathers like this?
Do locs hold bad energy
Husband said he prefers white women because they are easier.
Is it reasonable to expect my (50 F) husband (52 M) to contribute 50% towards our bills?
Map of pre-colonial Africa in 1880
I Wish I Knew More Nigerians Like Me
I'm starting to realize the Achilles heel of this major is location.
How to answer my manager about how long I plan to stay?
Have I to be banished?
I spent my teens saving for a house
Can you guess what city?
Why did you cheat? I’m just curious.
Nigerian Muslims arrested for eating in public during Ramadan
Oh no Thielen!
Is this OK?
Does your budget expand the more houses you see?
Tesla rally