AITA for reporting a gross child and I get yelled at? (obvious child free bait)
AITA for reporting a child licking the sauce dispensers at Costco?
Jinger supporting a MLM?
I find it very interesting how she talks about P*st 🤔
Thoughts on YMCA child cares
Boudoir Photography
worst one I’ve seen yet
Tell us the biggest drama on your server.
Not fb but wtf!!!
Baby bitten at nursery 3 times in 2 days
*Spoiler* Potential Leaks for S4
don’t mind me, just doing a happy dance 😇
I think I may have an addiction…
AITA for allowing my daughter to call my husband ‘dad’?
Repost because I think everyone needs to see the national breeding anthym (without having to support their gross behavior)
TIL that olive oil is holy oil😅
Who saw this one coming?🫣
Am I the only one that was completely blindsided by Barista Bowflex not being hispanic?
She is charging $6 for this sh*t?!
I want to talk about SK and colorism
Nancy and SK
SK and Raven
What did Cole mean when he said that if he married Colleen they would be poor?
Sal’s gf (Jessi) 🤔