youtube channel recommendations?
What was a book that left you unsatisfied or even mad at the end?
Is there perfume houses you despise?
Have you ever smelled a fragrance, then instantly bought it?
suggest me a book that will help me expand my knowledge on world history
What book do you see recommended often that you did not like?
BWT, what brands sell the same types of clothing as Djerf Avenue?
*actual* classics for beginners?
What is or was your mothers (or any parental figure) favorite fragrance/s ?
What is the one note in a fragrance that you can't stand?
as level chemistry YouTube channel recommendations?
Inverse & direct proportion past year question
Bio, Chem, and Physics definitions
should i take english lit as a 4th subject for a-levels?
Help Me Choose / Daily Discussion (Post here to follow rules A & B) - Wednesday November 08, 2023