First 5 packs from Pokerev. (More on their way)
Boss not boss draft?
Found cleaning an apartment: iPod nano and 15+ year old bag of weed.
2x48kg front squat holds
My bf’s allergy test. Tested for 72 things, allergic to 70.
I literally yelled
What if we boycotted grading companies by just grading our cards via r/PokemonTCG Community?
How can I get involved in protesting / activism in Colorado Springs
I believe ICE is in town
First TAG Submission - Unprofessional Pics
Looking for some hot and steamy finds on FB marketplace but getting some weird ads….
Vortex water feature
No handicap-permit - parked sideways across two handicap spots
Ho-oh Dynamax Adventure?
Is it worth me grading this card before I sell? (Ignore the price written down it’s just what I saw it sell for in average condition awhile ago)
East coast, it’s happening
Thank you Fed Ex
Does this paver deck look OK to you?
My physique :>
"Should I open it, or should I keep it sealed"
Water leaking into tailgate in 2023 Odyssey
Best way to get rid of these bushes and weeds
I found my old collection when going through stuff at my parents
With Gavin's sponsor in the latest Slo Mo vid being Henson Shavers, I did up a branding image for him to use