Why is uraume so smashable?Can she make ice dingdongs she can use to peg me? Can she freeze my pp so it forever stay erect so i can keep going on? Is she stupid?
Are there any V-KEI bands so underrated that they don’t even have an audience to call a fandom?
Hello humans... I went to my man's expedition for opening day, here's some pictures ♡
My J-rock dolls collection
Mephisto's design updates for Alterna Vvelt
If not Rin or Yukio, who in Blue Exorcist do you think could make it as an MC?
What do you think of Ernst Frederick Egin?
Does any have pics of acchan they really like?
my mangas:3
Rin and Yukio Collection!
Kaneto Juusei
Some of my Favorite Demons. 👹
Which anime made you ask yourself WTH did i just watch?
i DESPISE Yukishura
Hurts as a Yukio fan
Hi guys
Nightmare recreating The Beatles' Abbey Road cover in London
OC- Realize that another character from another series shares the same birthday as Rin and Yukio
What's a manga that you have that you see no one else have?
Samael's Change
Blue Exorcist Season 5 “The Blue Night Saga” Key Visual
What is the song you are addicted to?
Blue Exorcist manga (English) vol. 15
Jogo Cosplay
i don’t really use spotify but here’s my apple music replay