What Is The Best Golf Course You Have Ever Played?
Our 249th Birthday is almost here ..
What are your thoughts on Accros?
if you had to spend 24hrs with anyone from the empire who would it be
I want to quit… nah fuck that I'm quitting
lets play guess the mre from 1987
2023 Mach 1&2024 Dark Horse premium just abiding by the rules
Hey Americans, how do you pronounce Jaguar after years of being brainwashed by TG?
What jobs do you guys have?
Hit the dreaded hole in 3 yesterday on this island green
Got orders to Kaneohe Bay
What’s this guy blasting on that tape deck? (1980s)
My water currently here in central Texas.
Favorite course from your state
A Clockwork Orange Malcom McDowell 1972
Sadface? Tearface? I was trying to think of a pun for the title…
Playing through when the group orders food at the turn
Sodexo employee here; why are you Marines so damn prissy?
What is he yelling? (Wrong answers only.)
Avoiding bounce back from impact screen
This was me ! 😂
Boot Camp DI Break
Sky Trak or Network Issues?
Visiting the Mustang Owners Museum in Concord NC