Gen Z’S that started working how are you coping with life?
Need advice
Sleep: How many hours of sleep?
What is a tough but important lesson you learnt in life?
Appeal for honours?
How to enter maju camp by foot lol
It's more about facing your fears vs not watching porn.
How to answer in interview why you want to apply for a lower level job?
Today is day 4 of quiting
Wasted money regrets? What are your stories and what did you spend on?
New Honours Classification System
Which is worse: Not showering in the morning or not showering at night?
Salary progression in SG
How bad exactly is the job market right now?
special sem for pt
Single here. Very high sexual urges.
Old stuff that no longer exist in emart
Nudes count as pornography?
Can’t stop masturbating
Start to study?
Is there still a such thing as Iron Rice Bowl nowadays?
When do you guys think GE 2025 will be?
Any of you guys asked for a pay raise before? And how did it go?
Tell us more about how you feel.
Is it possible to order tea with condensed milk but no sugar?