Where to get this Lockheed Martin Carhartt jacket?
No Sales Please.
FI Vantas and stuff
2000 Members!!
Cat mob 9 on the ghm9
It's not pretty, but it is mine.
Who likes gold?
I have to get something off my chest.
Liberty Defense suppressor cover has got fiberglass all over my living room.
SPR Build is Done 🤙🏽
She Thiccccc and Loves 70gr TSX
New PSA Sabre-11
Painted It Finally
Q Southpaw Suppressors That Showed Up To A Shop
New Sandman X
New to me WBP
You guys asked for honest feedback, so here you go.
V9, V9K, V9P, V9KP (unreleased prototype)
Can’t we all just get along…
I don’t get all the Fowler/Vanta hype….
Logan, owner of Fowler running bill drills (1.37)
UPS lost nods in shipping. Anyone deal with this before? Used pirateship for label and purchased insurance.
How spider silk are extracted at Oxford University.
What's your dream Do-All AR?