I don't like what they're doing to the Limited Light Cones
How did you guys enjoy the conbat event?
Why did they do that
To anyone who has no Feixiao, you can finally obtain this achievement through the combat event. That’s it, that’s the post.
They really are similar when you think about it
Speed tuning becomes irrelevant much easier with E2 Robin and E1 HH
Oh no 😔
Why is the clementine in the comics called Tangerine by the community?
The game desperately needs antagonists
All characters needs their BIS team. Why is it so controversial for Aglaea ?
Aglaea E1 is Best E1 in the Game
The problem with Aglaea is the difference in power between E0 and E1
What do i do with my perk points now?
Aglaea is just fine as a unit
Man am I loving this cowboy
Pom-Pom Gallery | Paean of Era Nova (1)
Me after reading the dev notes
3.0 Characters in a nutshell
Remembrance is weird...
Sunday havers have won this one
Why do people hate Aglaea so much?
I am too lucky! Help!
E1S1 Aglaea is kinda cool 0 Cycle
[Valhalla Otintin-kan]