Sundew sale!
What type of Nepenthes is best for a beginner?
Question for terrestrial bladderwort growers...
This time I did stay strong and bought nothing
Nepenthes Lowland /Intermediate/Highland
How do I protect my VFTs from wildlife?
What is something I can tie plants up with, like string, to a roof beam or something when they start vining?
Not sure what went wrong... it was thriving, completely filled out the pot, then slowly started drying up? More info in description
First Time Owner!
Identify nepenthes
It's how I discovered some of my favorite songs.
Farmers are OP.
Some of my favorites.
Sundew growing weird
How do I prevent my iron from rusting?
Need AC suggestions for a small space
I haven't heard anybody bring it up for almost a year
N. ventricosa (No-ID from carnivero)
Nepenthes x 'diana'
What fertiliser should i give this guy? Because i don’t think a few working traps will give adequate nutrients
give it your all
How bad can we get these comments
What are we doing wrong for the carnivore plant?
Where can I find silica sand for flytraps and how coarse is best for them?