WTT: Kernom Elipse, Enigmatic, Swan Hunter, Compact RevivalDrive Hot Rod, Blue Colander Astronomy Domine, OBNE Black Fountain, 29 FLWR, JHS Hard Drive, Walrus Mako M1, Arpanoid, more
[USA-VA] WTT Boss, EQD, OBNE, others WTTF Offers
WTT/WTS: WTSE, Tides, Deco v2, Mood mkii (black), Shallow Water, Flight Delay, True Spring, etc.
WTT: Fairfield Circuitry Meet Maude
WTT: Big Sky, Flux Echo, Swan Hunter, Compact RevivalDrive Hot Rod, Blue Colander Astronomy Domine, JHS Hard Drive, Walrus Mako M1, Arpanoid
WTT: Shigeharu, Dweller, Dynaflanger, Harmonious Monk v2 | WTTF: Arigato
[WTT/S] Quad Cortex, Gen Loss, Lichtlaerm Untiefe, Ratsbane, DD-200, GE-7, Walrus Eons, Grand Orbiter v3, OD-3, Friedman BE-OD, HM-2w, OCD 1.7, Orange PPC112 (Denver area)
If there's a problem with the pedals, could the solution be more pedals?
[WTS] Origin Effects Cali76, Peterson Strobo mini, Idiotbox Dark Waves, MXR Mini Iso Brick [W] PayPal G&S or Venmo, priced to scoot!
WTT: Zelzah, Deco V2, Swan Hunter, Starlight, Suhr Koji Comp, Slo, Mogami Gold Instrument Cables WTTF: Mics, Shure GLXD 16+, Radial Voco Loco, Pulse Doppler, Cali Bass Comp, Harmonious Monk V2, Cash
Best cheap arpeggiator?
Romantic break for a few nights outside Madrid, Spain?
NPD, well it was Xmas really. This thing is awesome
Travelling to the UK in may. Where to go and what to do
Mixing high hats, crashes, rides, and similar: how do you determine when they are too loud?
What should I fill the spaces with? Indie/shoegaze
NPD, Catalinbread Soft Focus
Shoegaze songs with both male and female vocals
loop switcher with stereo?
For those of you who have a lot of pedals on you board, how do you handle power?
Hidden gems in Northern Italy
Pedal for feedback
Do you know any particular delay pedals that work especially well with heavy fuzz/distortion? I’m looking for something that still sounds clear and defined with all the distortion.
Looking for a beautiful small town in the Swiss lake area as a base for leisurely travel, maybe Grindelwald or Brienz?
Mixing on headphones