Met an employee at the grocery store last week, flirted... Now we are in the back of the car in the grocery store parking lot. This is 100% true and so hot 🥵
Background Check
Any leftist groups / coalitions in bucks?
KONE v3f16, install after repair
Trump's Costly Priorities...
There is no more question. This is what the Trumpers have voted for. What are you going to do? Will you stand against this as your oath to the IBEW states? They are going to come for us. Are you with Trump and Elon, or your brothers and sisters?
I don’t know anything about decks, but something tells me my in-laws’ contractors cut some corners. Thoughts?
Yes & no buttons
Brass slipper shoes
Coors Brewery hiring elevator mechanics
Any places in Bucks like this?
Paid above scale?
The elevator guys havent showed up since Christmas eve...are they ok?
3 days and no call. This is getting ridiculous
Piss Etiquette?
Just had a child, will that remove me from list?
How High
What's the name of this key?
Getting to NYC
Indoor job
Can Locking the sliding door into apartment lead to motor failing?
IUEC Racism
Please help! Potential Mod cost roughly - hydraulic 4 landing condo. 17 years old. Trying to budget properly. Located in north Florida.
Should I give my broke friends money for Christmas?