TV Sitcom Series Finales : What shows didn't do the overused "everything changes / everybody moves" trope everything from Friends to Frasier all did ?
Level up the Spear
Best note-taking app for Todoist integration?
How do you show an image (Windows 11)?
Obsidian Plugin: Circuit Sketcher
I didn’t know you could tame alpha animals!???
New to Obsidian - Is There a Way to Link Tasks
How to create a deep hierarchical structure (child notes of child notes) in Obsidian's Graph View ?
Highlight plugin?
How best to dynamically visualize tags with other metadata? Dataview?
iOs Client for quick note
Automatically linking notes created by "Book Search" and "Kindle Highlights"
Bring your eBooks directly into Obsidian
My PKMS flow | Feedback welcome
On the edge - keep investing in insteon or rip it out
I don't get it
Visiting Paris just after playing Unity
What do yous think is the plugin obsidian actually needs?
2022 X5 M50i - forward collision avoidance misfiring
Abby Elliott is Chris Elliott's daughter 🤯
Renee upset today :(
Nonsense outtro from Outside Lands tonight
Today I officially got sad
Poison Poison outtro at Outside Lands
Seafair blew me away