Shouldnt there be a cave here?
ON Stocking and earbuds
Anyone else get this and know how to use it?
Overnight carts
Anyone else's Walmart have this? 😁
Avenue C
Do you guys consider breeding strong pals early game as unfair?
When customer stop shoplifter
Sick time
Lowes holiday pay
Christmas payday
Holiday pay
Ian Dunlap said on today’s pod “Hip Hop has degrade more BW than any white comedian ever” do we agree with that?
Happy Wednesday
Why do they try to make you do jobs you didn’t apply for?
Why is my guy yellow?
Jesus christ!
Pharmacy employee vs shoplifter
Shelf capacity says 12 there's 64 😂😂
JBP cast for hulu doc
Payday cashapp
If the law is so strict on wearing seatbelts and being safe inside of a car, why are motorcycles allowed?