3.2 Updated Reruns
Tribbie, or Not Tribbie? That is Trinnon. - General Question and Discussion Megathread
Calculations Sunday vs RMC vs 3B
sunday team with [redacted]
If Mydei's Autobattle would be removed, what positive part of his kit would you want to removed with it? (genuine question, and kindly please read through the body of the post before commenting)
Sunday Castorice situation worrries
The treatment of male vs. female characters is, frankly, insulting.
Big Dubs Sunday?
E0S1 Sunday & Castorice showcase they seem to work perfectly fine together
Regarding the doomposting:
Apology from a Castorice main
Mayday, Mayday! It's Mydei! - General Discussion Megathread Patch 3.0
Can the mods please do something about all the "visitors" we're getting?
Who else is itching to play the RASH team?? Remember to bring your hypercartisone!
[v1] Anaxa Hypercarry E0S1 - Sunday E0S1 - Robin E0S1 - Huohuo E0S1 vs MoC 12
Another skillful showcase where Sunday performs very well
Do Anaxa's implants reduce RES?
just saw this Castorice x RMC x Sunday x Gallagher and wanted to share because f*** all the ones that said Sunday is cursed
Sunday amigurumi (pattern by meikyniel.handmade)
Doomposting over 1 unit is crazy work I tell you
3.2 v1 E0S1 Castorice E0S1 Sunday E0S0 Tribbie E0S0 Lingsha 1 Cycle against the new MoC boss
Speculation for Castorice team
I'm so mad