JT from Erra and Bad Omens-Dethrone SLC
"Wild alternative indie gospel-pop sex metal uk"
Should I just take this week off? Jeez how the stars have aligned in September.
Are there non-arrhythmic reasons to give Amiodarone?
r/medicine Study in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization: Doctors’ attitudes toward specific medical conditions (2022)
Trying to find a required reading book I liked in middle school
EDS Workbook
My new Cat’s Cradle inspired tattoo!
[GIVEAWAY] Taco Bell 60th Anniversary Born X Raised Jacket (Details below)
Any eds guitar players? Got a question 4 u
My daughter is turning 13 in a few weeks and presented me with a PowerPoint wishlist
Customer handed this to me and said “make sure your manager reads this”…what the fuck did she think we would we do, stop accepting cards?
What's the most fucked up thing someone has told you about themselves after barely getting to know them?
What doesn't kill you nor make you stronger?
What is a useless skill that you have?
What’s a TV show you started watching after it already ended a long time ago and the fandoms very dead but you love the show?
Finest Childhood Cuisine Starter Pack
WIBTA if I asked out my brothers ex
My sim hugging a ?trash bag?
Left-wingers of Reddit, what is your most right-wing opinion? Right-wingers, what is your most left-wing opinion?
My first day of 8th grade or my first PTA meeting?
Psychiatrist fell aslepp during therapy. Read the last paragraph...
Finally getting the packs I’ve been wanting, but didn’t want badly enough to pay full price for 😄
looking for feedback on some vaguely emo demos! can't tell if they're gold or garbage.