One word that instantly makes you recall a whole piece of dialogue from Friends
What's a joke from Friends that never gets old?
With 123 votes, MR. HECKLES is the representative for Sloth! If anyone is asking, yes the most upvoted was Chandler and Joey in the chairs but unfortunately, moments or specific scenes do not count. We are looking for CHARACTERS only. Next up: Pride
Who would you say Joey is the least closest to?
Ross and Carol
What are yours Season 5 Hot takes?
Name a line from some of the hardest crash outs in the show 😂
One word.
Are Joey and Phoebe good people to go to advice for?
The ultimate Friends quiz: what are the toughest questions you’d ask?
i feel sad for ross and Pheobe
What is one moment in the show that's so avoidable that it stops being funny?
Top 20 Greatest Friends episodes - Day 1
This was funny but so brutal by Judy
With 511 votes, MR. ZELNER is the representative for Patience! One more until we get into the Deadly Sins. Next up: Temperance
With a whopping 227 votes, JULIE is the representative for Kindness! We're only two away from getting into the Deadly Sins. Next up: Patience
What are some random unexpected jokes in the show that make you laugh hard
Monica and Richard
Which episode made you cry ?
Round 14! What was the worst thing Kevin Malone did?
What's your favorite non-funny scene?
Which side character do you wish we saw more of?
How big of a cliffhanger was the Season 4 finale when it aired?
Would you have asked Pam out on a second date if you were Danny?