Vegeta a man of culture
So we are going to save the moderately feeble young adults AND get the gas mines thanks to an error?
what happened to the bots?
He's Not on Super Bosses...
this guy in the r/teenagersbutbetter discord server is so corny oh my days
All right, they have been out for a while. What is the verdict on the most controversial anniversary unit?
Majin Duu (SSJ3) would actually make a good April Fools unit
So this was nothing
K but fr tho when they putting my boy in the game?
Vegeta please call this Ultra Vegeta 2 (or 5) instead of this long ass name
Flag of Sweden if Jesus lived in a communist state
Is this tutorial for my levels gimmick understandable?
What's the joke here?
At this point, we can forget tier lists and say it’s the fusions and everyone else right?
Autistic/gay/furry music alignment chart
Are Vegito and Gogeta bottom too?
This isn't a Minecraft Movie situation, calm the hell down.
take that Google
Types of Helldivers
Wasn't hoping for anything until I saw the whis rewind on this single ticket pull
iS tHiS tEaM goOD?!
I wish to have AI implanted into my brain/consciousness.
Is this infinite stacking?
What’s your favourite beverage?