Is porn in the workplace OK?
AITA for stopping giving gifts to my husband?
AITA for embarrassing my fiancé at dinner after he “joked” about my upbringing?
My Niece’s Killer Is Still Free
AIO for telling my friend he should have asked for permission before opening my parcel
You get a magic object that kills everyone who touches it.
Am I overreacting? Wife flashed boobs
Students of Hogwarts, please vote for me, Lord Voldemort, to be your next Chancellor
I pay my son to watch movies he wouldn't typically want to watch, recommendations?
My only living parent is now dead to me.
My Boss Flipped Out After I Quit, and Now He’s Threatening "Consequences"
You run out of Halloween candy, and have to give the kids things from around the house. What you handing out?
Remember this little legend?
AITA for telling my best friend's ex-wife that she only has herself to blame for him not talking to her anymore?
A man dreamed he was walking side by side with God. But when the man looked back at the hardest parts of his life, he saw only one set of footprints.
If you could undo one invention, what would it be?
What is your age without saying how old you are?
Just found out what 240 volts feels like
Aitah for kicking my family out after they told me my baby wasn't named after my grandfather
What's a job or profession you absolutely wouldn't do?
what do you have your s/o name as?
Offer me a documentary that would completely shock me and blow my mind
He really p&^%ed me off so I saved my petty revenge for a better time
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your t-shirt read?
I got swilled near metro bank