Things I hated: season 3 edition
How do you think the pacific compares to band of brothers?
how often do soldiers actually survive gunshots to the head, upper body etc? like sergeant grant for instance
Does anybody have any experience with connetics nursing?
Tru om grandiosa fabrikken mangler en skive?
New "america is bad" thread just dropped🗣️🗣️🗣️
Guest stars you’d love to have seen
Ja nasjonen, strand, hva tenker vi om det? Gode greier eller? Nå er ikke dette det optimale tidspunktet å befinne seg på en strand. MEN en mann har sine behov. Og jeg har ett behov for å løpe litt!
Tror du på konspirasjoner?
Reddit moment
Should i join the US military after getting my green card?
Why wasnt Doc Roe carrying any weapons?
what are some common misconceptions about the US that europeans tend to have?
Generalmajor Sir Nils Olav III, baron av Bouvetøya, inspiserer gardister under adlingsseremonien i 2008
Happy Endings S02E05
Whats the difference between the National guard and the reserves?
Snur: Beholder rumpa
Real queso..why would you want to
Any shows similar to generation kill?
Is it common to see western Europeans immigrating to the US?
Is the America bad?
Chloe O’Brien autistic?
Rammes kvinner hardest av krig?
Is the Usa a good country to move ?