How are we keeping our starters warm enough?
How did you name your starter?
Are these espresso mugs legit?
Is an environmental studies degree worth it?
Need help: I don’t know who should walk me down the aisle.
Can I get a Peer Review on my gift registry please?
Want to move companies, but feel guilty
Texas PG Qualifying Work Experience
Struggling to get into an entry level role
What are some other projects I can work on instead of phase 1’s and UST work?
Is anyone following the Deavan/Elicia drama on IG right now?
Becoming a GIT (Geologist in Training)
Book suggestions?
He hasn't post bail yet, it's been 12 hours..
Why do they call it “before the 90 days”?
No one is fat shaming Ella!
Could Ben be a dangerous man?
Thank you /u/UnderdogC626. I'm crossposting here because I can't respond on the regular sub. This isn't the first time Ari has started fundraisers for Ethiopians.
Finding this out today made my respect for Ari go up tenfold
Resume Roast??? Applying to internships this summer so any help in greatly appreciated. Had some success last semester and got two interviews but those didn't go forward sadly...
I bought a Cameo from Lana
How much should I realistically be making as a 2 year staff geo (env consulting)?
Show me your field kits/tools. Also show me your organization PLEASE
Volcanologist is my dream job—just finished my master’s. Any advice on where to go next?