"Player cannot be contacted at this time"
The order of games is phucled
Time change for word guess game
Word Wheel Bonus Words
Tnoughts on Incident at Loch Ness? (2004) One of the rare cryptid films out there.
I woke up and I didn't know where I was
Bonus words not working
Word Wheel changes!
Anyone wanna play?
Is Words giving preferential treatment to people who play often?
Words w/Friends
Anyone else not getting a bonus letter in the new word wheel style they just debuted today?
Does anyone care
Getting ad/commercials after upgrade……
New Club
Great Club/Horrendous Time Suck
What happened to Prize Palace?
Does anybody have a strategy at picking chests from Prize Palace?
Prize Palace
One word puzzle cheat? Done in 20 seconds
Assigned Club Leader - Please Send Help
My Second Legendary Ladder Win! I'm 2-0!
What happened to today’s bonus solo challenge event?
Longer ads?
Any bots??