Raoul, patroonheilige van de kleine belegger!
An omega-3 dose a day could slow ageing process, ‘healthspan’ trial finds. Daily gram of essential fatty acid leads to ‘three to four months rejuvenation of biological age’ over three years.
N-VA stemmers: wat is jullie favoriete aspect van Dewever I?
Reported robbery rates in Europe
Financiële ongeletterdheid piekt
Behind the Curtains
Potential seller of a 000-28ec is telling me the serial# is “buried in the guitar and hard to take a picture of…
Losing track of the point of this subreddit
Tax brackets will never come down
Wtf belgium no 50% bracket abolition and more tax??????
Don’t expect capital gain remaining at 10% with 10.000€ exemption
This is the biggest joke ever (exit tax, no salary increase, CGT...)
Een akkoord!
Arizona: Is this really happening?
Capital Gains tax is now a reality, from 1.25% to 10%
Belgen, die Colruyt winkels van jullie. Wat is dit voor wanvertoning?
The TOB is such a joke...
Famillieleden die wachtwoorden vergeten/niet bewaren en altijd maar verwachten dat jij de magische oplossing hebt.
Air quality in Flanders is bad, call to not burn wood
I actually can't believe I got this!!
Kunnen we eindelijk ernstig worden over budgettaire uitdaging waarvoor we staan?
What are your thoughts on the new Ninebot Max G3?
Give us all the features of the Max G3 over the look of the G2 and I'd buy it.
Advies gevraagd nieuwe wagen.
What is actually happening right now