Double sickle isn't light pen and the ultimatum is broken
The Ultimatum kind of ruins the coolness of the Portable Helllbomb
Please share your feedback about Helldivers 2 in this survey!
Exosuit players seeing “stratagems can now be thrown out of the FRV”
Side Objective Concept: Plant the Flag
Helldivers mission success rate is unacceptably high: deploy the Expendable Airburst Rockets
Accelerator buffs would be nice, but what we need is a real sniper rifle
If we want to encourage more teamwork, we really need more teamwork tools
I miss struggling in this game 'against impossible odds'
If we’re fighting elephant sized enemies, we should really have an elephant sized gun
Instead of making mechs more durable, we need them to be more expendable
Warbond Concept “Executive Order”
Stratagem suggestion: EAGLE WASP
Bot Enemy Concept: Battleship
Resistance (old sony IP) Warbond Idea: What do you guys think?
Content to arrive
Dear diary, today I died
My take on a Stealth Warbond
Side Objective Idea: Defuse Ordinance
New Mission Type: Destroy Automaton Battleship
Side Objective Idea: Film Propaganda
Sharpshooter Warbond Idea: what do you guys think?
New mission type: Convoy
New Warbond idea of an acient religion of Super Earth.
New Mission Type: Salvage Crashed Super Destroyer